• Control: Public
  • Carnegie Classification: Master's
  • Institution: 4 Year
  • Enrollment: <3000

2021 Recognition Categories

  • Faculty Experience
  • Shared Governance

What makes your college a great place to work?

Employee Comment

This is a supportive and welcoming environment, and the administration places a high emphasis on diversity and support for it's faculty, staff, and students. It is well-run, and I have full confidence in the administration to point us in the right direction. This is a home for me.

President's Statement

The first publicly chartered university in the nation for women, Mississippi University for Women provides a quality educational experience to women and men. We celebrate the diversity of our campus and offer a personalized learning environment for all of our students. We value and care for our students, each other, and our beautiful and historic campus.

Vital Statistics


  • Fulltime Admin: 30
  • Fulltime Eps: 66
  • Fulltime Faculty: 141
  • Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 76
  • Adjunct Count: 78

    Average Annual Salary

  • Faculty: $58,735
  • Administration: $96,960
  • Exempt Professional Staff: $46,519
  • Non-exempt Staff: $25,748

    Voluntary Turnover Rate

  • Full-time Faculty: 10%
  • Adjunct/Part-time Faculty: 19%
  • 9 Years Recognized
  • 7 Years of Honor Roll

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