Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Master's
Institution: 4 Year
Enrollment: 3,000-9,999
2022 Recognition Categories
- Compensation & Benefits
- Confidence in Senior Leadership
- Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Faculty Experience
- Faculty & Staff Well-being
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Mission & Pride
- Professional Development
- Shared Governance
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
What makes your college a great place to work?
Employee Comment
I believe our institution follows our core values of integrity; diversity & inclusion; significance; community; and commitment. Everyone enjoys working here and being part of the Ram Fam. We are all committed to provide the best for our students and stakeholders.
President's Statement
The family-focused atmosphere at Angelo State University makes it one of the Great Colleges to Work For. Our highly-qualified faculty and skilled staff collaborate to provide our students the best network of support possible. We realize the connection that family, parents, and alumni bring to our student experience. Being a part of the Ram Family, or "RamFam" is not just a slogan--it is a culture and way of life here at Angelo State!
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 78
- Fulltime Eps: 115
- Fulltime Faculty: 310
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 321
- Adjunct Count: 125
- Faculty: $69,607
- Administration: $93,478
- Exempt Professional Staff: $64,156
- Non-exempt Staff: $36,233
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 5%
- Full-time Staff: 13%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
9 Years Recognized
8 Years of Honor Roll