Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Assoc
Institution: 2 Year
Enrollment: >10,000
2022 Recognition Categories
- Confidence in Senior Leadership
- Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Faculty Experience
- Faculty & Staff Well-being
- Mission & Pride
- Professional Development
- Shared Governance
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
What makes your college a great place to work?
Employee Comment
I appreciate the fact that everyone seems to genuinely care about my well-being and job satisfaction, as well as the well-being of the students. We all seem to be on the same page that taking care of students is our main priority and so much care is taken to make sure student's needs are meet in as many ways as possible.
President's Statement
Lone Star College plays a major role in our community, contributing an educated workforce and supporting the region's economic vitality. We recognize our employees are our most valuable asset. As one of the largest producers of associate degrees and certificates nationwide, our world-class faculty and staff remain focused on increasing student success and serving our community. We are honored to be recognized for our efforts in making the college a great place to work.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 290
- Fulltime Eps: 748
- Fulltime Faculty: 911
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 819
- Adjunct Count: 2480
- Faculty: $72,489
- Administration: $111,843
- Exempt Professional Staff: $61,579
- Non-exempt Staff: $40,261
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 3%
- Full-time Staff: 9%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
8 Years Recognized
6 Years of Honor Roll