Control: Private
Carnegie Classification: Research
Institution: 4 Year
Enrollment: <3000
2022 Recognition Categories
- Faculty Experience
- Shared Governance
What makes your college a great place to work?
Employee Comment
I appreciate the team dynamics within our department. We teach collaboratively. I have always felt that I always have the support I need from my colleagues. I really appreciate the strong leadership of our department head and support staff. I feel that my work is supported and I am free to take on projects, such as research and university and community outreach, that most interest me so long as it benefits the greater good of the university and the department.
President's Statement
At OCU we have a collaborative atmosphere where the student experience is our top priority, and each faculty and staff member knows they are integral to that mission. OCU strives to foster excellent balance for life and work and ensures that all faculty and staff are supported.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 29
- Fulltime Eps: 126
- Fulltime Faculty: 194
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 144
- Adjunct Count: 130
- Faculty: $71,848
- Administration: $141,252
- Exempt Professional Staff: $54,912
- Non-exempt Staff: $36,015
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 9%
- Full-time Staff: 17%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
9 Years Recognized
3 Years of Honor Roll