Control: Private
Carnegie Classification: Research
Institution: 4 Year
Enrollment: >10,000
2022 Recognition Categories
- Compensation & Benefits
- Confidence in Senior Leadership
- Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
- Faculty Experience
- Faculty & Staff Well-being
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Mission & Pride
- Professional Development
- Shared Governance
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
What makes your college a great place to work?
Employee Comment
My supervisor's support has always been overwhelmingly positive. I have been able to stretch myself and grow to become a professional in higher education. My successes have been met with recognition and praise while my difficulties have been met with gentle guidance. The people in my work place have great comradery and positivity.
President's Statement
The faculty and staff of Regent University are the primary instruments of the amazing growth and prosperity we are experiencing. Likewise, we seek to provide the resources and support to our faculty and staff to encourage their own personal growth and prosperity. That makes Regent University a truly great place to work for everyone who contributes to our mission of 'Christian Leadership to Change the World'.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 24
- Fulltime Eps: 149
- Fulltime Faculty: 130
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 276
- Adjunct Count: 658
- Faculty: $91,820
- Administration: $198,995
- Exempt Professional Staff: $66,860
- Non-exempt Staff: $38,930
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 2%
- Full-time Staff: 25%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
14 Years Recognized
3 Years of Honor Roll