Control: Private
Carnegie Classification: Research
Institution: 4 Year
Enrollment: >10,000
2022 Recognition Categories
- Compensation & Benefits
- Confidence in Senior Leadership
- Faculty Experience
- Faculty & Staff Well-being
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Mission & Pride
- Professional Development
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
What makes your college a great place to work?
Employee Comment
The sense of community is a bonus of working at Notre Dame. My supervisors and other leadership are great communicators, kind and accommodating to their employees needs. They also listen to our ideas and value our input.
President's Statement
The University of Notre Dame is a great place to work because of the people who work here. Their care and concern for one another, commitment to inclusion, shared sense of mission, and willingness to go the extra mile make this community special. In all that we do, we seek to be a force for good and it is that spirit that animates our campus each and every day.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 1427
- Fulltime Eps: 1143
- Fulltime Faculty: 1210
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 1628
- Adjunct Count: 160
- Faculty: $63,299
- Administration: $94,467
- Exempt Professional Staff: $84,613
- Non-exempt Staff: $30,881
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 4%
- Full-time Staff: 13%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
11 Years Recognized
9 Years of Honor Roll