Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Master's
Institution: 4 Year
Enrollment: >10,000
2022 Recognition Categories
- Faculty Experience
- Shared Governance
What makes your college a great place to work?
Employee Comment
The balance between work and life, the appreciation of hard work during stressful times, the personal interest senior staff and management show, and the sense of a common goal between departments.
President's Statement
Western is a great place to work because our campus community values and emphasizes collaboration and respect among all employees. Our faculty and staff are not only exceptionally talented and engaged, but they also share a commitment to advancing inclusive success, enabling all of our students to succeed inside and outside of the classroom. That sense of common dedication and purpose is inspiring, and it makes me excited to be part of this wonderful community.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 28
- Fulltime Eps: 374
- Fulltime Faculty: 674
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 675
- Adjunct Count: 317
- Faculty: $101,448
- Administration: $191,570
- Exempt Professional Staff: $80,504
- Non-exempt Staff: $58,371
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 2%
- Full-time Staff: 8%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
9 Years Recognized