Control: Private
Carnegie Classification: Special Focus Institutions [Medical, Law, Art, etc]
Institution: 4 Year
Enrollment: < 3,000
2023 Recognition Categories
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Compensation & Benefits
- Professional Development
- Mission & Pride
- Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
What makes your college a great place to work?
President's Statement
The Salus community is a place that we can feel the team getting together to accomplish one goal - providing the best educational experience for the students.
Employee Comment
Salus University is a great place to work, because, central to our mission, we play an essential role in allowing aspiring healthcare providers realize their dreams. Working with consummate professionals who are student focused and actively engaged makes coming to work every day a sheer pleasure. We enjoy the full support of our Board of Trustees who are fully engaged in assisting us in providing the best possible professional education available.
Vital Statistics
- Full-time Administrators: 13
- Full-time Exempt Professional Staff: 84
- Full-time Faculty: 102
- Full-time Non-exempt Staff: 79
- Adjunct Faculty: 38
Employee Counts
- Full-time Administrators: $$163,643
- Full-time Faculty: $$115,998
- Full-time Exempt Professional Staff: $$70,738
- Full-time Non-exempt Staff: $$44,806
Average Annual Salary
- Full-time Faculty: 7%
- Full-time Staff: 15%
Voluntary Turnover Rate
4 Years Recognized
3 Years of Honor Roll