Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Master's Colleges and Universities
Institution: 4-year
Enrollment: 3,000-9,999
2024 Recognition Categories
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Compensation & Benefits
- Professional Development
- Mission & Pride
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
- Confidence in Senior Leadership
- Faculty & Staff Well-being
- Shared Governance
- Faculty Experience
What makes your college a great place to work?
President's Statement
Francis Marion is every president's dream - faculty and staff accomplish extraordinary things but are reticent to accept praise. The trustees, administration, faculty, and staff work collegially to support a system of shared governance characterized by strong respect and admiration for each other. The faculty is intellectually vibrant and committed to qualitative teaching and research in service to one of the most diverse and underserved regions of the country.
Employee Comment
I appreciate the ability to utilize your strengths in the workplace and to feel appreciated. Everyone is so welcoming and treat you as family. The work life balance and the flexibility is at an all time high at this institution. Overall, Francis Marion is a wonderful place to work.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 35
- Fulltime Eps: 93
- Fulltime Faculty: 210
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 151
- Adjunct Count: 76
- Faculty: $101,074
- Administration: $115,873
- Exempt Professional Staff: $57,892
- Non-exempt Staff: $35,824
- Full-time Faculty: 5.40%
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 13.30%
12 Years Recognized
12 Years Honor Roll