Control: Private
Carnegie Classification: Doctoral Universities
Institution: 4-year
Enrollment: 10,000+
2024 Recognition Categories
- Mission & Pride
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
- Faculty & Staff Well-being
What makes your college a great place to work?
President's Statement
Our university believes that the potential of an organization is a direct reflection of the people who comprise that organization. We are dedicated to fostering a vibrant community, where individuals are encouraged to pursue their passions and engage in personal development, sparking innovation. Our culture is centered on working together with respect and unity to serve the world through life, learning and leadership.
Employee Comment
I love that this institution is innovative. They are willing to try new things, to hear new ideas. I love the flexibility within my department to align job descriptions with the strengths of our team members. I also love the flexibility it offers. I truly love my job!
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 53
- Fulltime Eps: 201
- Fulltime Faculty: 136
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 146
- Adjunct Count: 588
- Faculty: $75,218
- Administration: $108,891
- Exempt Professional Staff: $65,956
- Non-exempt Staff: $33,849
- Full-time Faculty: 2.20%
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 19.70%
1 Year Recognized