Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Associate's Colleges
Institution: 2-year
Enrollment: <3,000
2024 Recognition Categories
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Professional Development
- Mission & Pride
What makes your college a great place to work?
President's Statement
Southwest Mississippi Community College is a great place to work because of its outstanding employees and students. Our faculty and staff understand our college mission and have the desire to serve our students and our community. Witnessing student success and employee enrichment is extremely rewarding here. Employee and student input is valued as we strive to always improve. Our college family cares about the overall institution, but cares more about the individual.
Employee Comment
I appreciate that we are family and are always here for each other in times of need. I love my job and the people that I work closely with each day. Our instructors truly care about the wellbeing of our students.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 7
- Fulltime Eps: 37
- Fulltime Faculty: 67
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 65
- Adjunct Count: 20
- Faculty: $56,674
- Administration: $112,000
- Exempt Professional Staff: $44,751
- Non-exempt Staff: Not Submitted
- Full-time Faculty: 3.00%
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 12.00%
6 Years Recognized
3 Years Honor Roll