Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Special Focus Institutions
Institution: 4-year
Enrollment: 3,000-9,999
2024 Recognition Categories
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Compensation & Benefits
- Professional Development
- Shared Governance
- Faculty Experience
What makes your college a great place to work?
President's Statement
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is dedicated to cultivating an extraordinary environment where each learner and team member embodies our core values. We're proud of our longstanding commitment to enhancing access to care, and we each play a pivotal role in that regard, which undoubtedly impacts the future of health.
Employee Comment
The sense that we are one big family - It's nice to work at a campus where people remember your name and check on you and your loved ones. I also like that TTUHSC places just as much emphasis on intellectual & viewpoint diversity as they do on other forms.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 200
- Fulltime Eps: 1061
- Fulltime Faculty: 759
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 2054
- Adjunct Count: 55
- Faculty: $190,747
- Administration: $140,067
- Exempt Professional Staff: $87,661
- Non-exempt Staff: $44,981
- Full-time Faculty: 8.00%
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 20.00%
5 Years Recognized
3 Years Honor Roll