Control: Public
Carnegie Classification: Doctoral Universities
Institution: 4-year
Enrollment: 10,000+
2024 Recognition Categories
- Job Satisfaction & Support
- Compensation & Benefits
- Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness
- Shared Governance
- Faculty Experience
- Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
What makes your college a great place to work?
President's Statement
UMBC is a great place to work because we know the difference our work makes. As we nurture an inclusive and welcoming community and support the professional development of our staff and faculty, they see themselves fully in our mission and believe deeply in the transformative power of education. Staff and faculty know their work serves both individual students and the public good. They know their work matters and that they are seen and valued.
Employee Comment
I appreciate the ability to balance my professional and personal life. There is genuine concern for my personal well being coupled with sincere interest in my professional development. This helps me add value to the institution and feel fulfilled in my work without having to sacrifice time or commitment to my family.
Vital Statistics
- Fulltime Admin: 703
- Fulltime Eps: 346
- Fulltime Faculty: 783
- Fulltime Non-Exempt Staff: 236
- Adjunct Count: 484
- Faculty: $117,411
- Administration: $97,909
- Exempt Professional Staff: $85,876
- Non-exempt Staff: $56,653
- Full-time Faculty: 38.00%
- Full-time Staff (excluding Faculty): 30.00%
15 Years Recognized
13 Years Honor Roll