This year, your institution has been recognized as one of 75 colleges and universities deemed a Great College to Work For® – but what does this recognition really mean for you? Being honored as a Great College to Work For® by your employees is an important accomplishment and can be utilized in a number of ways to help your college meet its challenges.

Take advantage of this recognition and share with the rest of higher education what your faculty and staff already know – that your college is a great place to work.

Recognized institutions will be officially announced in a special insert in the September 20th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education. ModernThink will also spotlight recognized schools at, a special section of the website dedicated to sharing strengths and best practices from the colleges leading the way in employee engagement.

Not quite sure where to start? Let us help you get the word out about your exceptional workplace with the resources below!

Recognition Basics

Deemed a Great College, your institution has achieved excellence in at least one of the 10 categories below. If your college was highly rated across multiple categories, in addition to being a Great College to Work For®, you’ve also been named a 2024 Honor Roll institution. We have unique logos for each of these designations. The press release sample below also provides further context. Please feel free to contact ModernThink if you are unclear on your institution’s specific designation in 2024 or previous recognition history.


  • Shared Governance
  • Confidence in Senior Leadership
  • Supervisor/Department Chair Effectiveness


  • Professional Development
  • Faculty Experience


  • Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • Faculty & Staff Well-being
  • Mission & Pride


  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Job Satisfaction & Support

Recognition Tool Kit

Logo Agreement

Brand your institution as a 2024 Great College to Work For® to bolster retention of your employees, improve recruitment efforts and unify your community around a designation worth celebrating! Add the recognized or Honor Roll logo to your press releases, job ads, banners on campus, social media or any other way you want to share your success. Once you complete our recognition logo license agreement and return to, we will provide your logo(s) in three formats: .eps, .jpeg, and .png. Click here to complete agreement.

Sample Press Release

While you are free to confer with your colleagues in planning a public announcement, we ask that you refrain from releasing this information in any public forums until the embargo on this information lifts on September 20th.  The print version will be available in a special insert of the September 20th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education. This sample press release includes background information on the program, methodology as well as quotes from ModernThink. PDF or WORD

Advertising Options

START YOUR CAMPAIGN! This year’s list of recognized institutions will be revealed in a special insert to be distributed as part of the September 20th issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education (30k+ paid subscribers). The insert will be placed inside the printed issue and will also be included as part of the issue scheduled to be delivered via email and hosted online. Take advantage of this valued recognition and share this success with your peers by placing your ad in this insert to introduce your institution as an employer of choice. Professionals in higher education and beyond turn to this publication each year to meet the year’s best colleges to work for. Recognized institutions may not publicize their results until the week the special insert is released so this is really the start of your campaign to share your story. See Idea Gallery below for examples. Reservation Deadline is June 28th, 2024.

Click here for the 2024 rate card

Click here for the 2024 reservation contract and logo agreement


Share Your Culture Story!

As part of the survey of your faculty and staff, we asked them to share what makes your college a great place to work.  Institutions have used these testimonials in marketing their recognition as well as celebrating with employees and recruiting new colleagues. You have the option to purchase this report ($584) along with other critical feedback. This brochure details various report options including this report. Various report options and prices are found on the program website. Only the primary contact for each institution can order these detailed confidential reports.    

Tips For Promoting Your Award

Earning the distinction of being one of the best colleges to work is an incredible achievement that ought to be shared with your employees, students, prospective hires and everyone else! You want to shout it from the rooftops, but where to begin? Download 2024 Tips to Promote your Award for a how-to guide on promotion.

Idea Gallery

Video Gallery

Sample Ads