Reports & Services

The opportunity for national recognition is exciting, but the most valuable part of participation in this program is the survey data you receive. It is our goal to help participating institutions understand the dynamics and influences that are having the greatest impact on their own campus culture and that ultimately are shaping the future of the higher education community.

To that end, each participating institution receives four Topline Reports summarizing key results from your faculty/staff survey, as well as aggregate results from the Institution Questionnaire© submissions. Click on the images below to see report samples. These reports are included at NO COST to participants. The Great Colleges program provides advanced reporting options for an additional fee. Please visit Additional Reports for more information.


This one-page graphical summary shows your institution’s overall survey results within ten different dimensions. It includes benchmarking data to compare your institution’s results to schools of similar size that were recognized in the program on the Honor Roll as well as schools that participated within your Carnegie Classification.

Download a Sample here.


This report shows your institution’s survey results on each of the 10 different survey dimensions by Job Category (Administrator, Faculty, Exempt Professional Staff, Non-Exempt Professional Staff and Adjunct if applicable).

Download a Sample here.


This report shows your institution’s Faculty and Adjunct Faculty (if applicable) results on each of the ten survey dimensions, as well as a Faculty Experience Dimension.

Download a Sample here.

The Trend Report provides comparative data for some of the most relevant demographics and policies. It includes aggregate data from a selection of the questions asked on the Institution Questionnaire© (IQ) that each participant completes as part of their participation in the program. Summarized in both chart and graphical form, we highlight in aggregate what schools are doing so that you can see trends as well as where you stand relative to your peers. The report includes information that profiles the applicant pool, including information about select programs and policies. We continue to enhance this report year after year, so the format and content are subject to change.

Download the 2024 Higher Education Workplace Trend Summary here.

Dig Deeper!

The Great Colleges program provides advanced reporting options for an additional fee. Please visit Additional Reports for more information.

ModernThink workplace experts are also available to help you analyze and communicate your results to your employees while developing a plan for implementing next step actions. Please visit Analysis and Consulting for more information on the available consulting options.

Interested In A More Custom Approach To Our Survey?

We also offer use of our instrument outside the Great Colleges program. Contact Suzi Schmittlein at to learn more.