Reports & Services

Below you will find a selection of our most popular reports that go beyond the participation reports that are included at no cost to all participants.

Current and previous survey data can be ordered at any time. The reports we offer include data from the two modules of the current ModernThink Higher Education Insight Survey©, including the 60 belief statements (five specific to faculty), 20 benefit questions, 2 open-ended questions, 8 voluntary demographics and 2 pre-loaded Demographic Questions.

Report Options include:

  • Web-Based Online Report Gateway that allows you to run your own reports and download your data over all your years of participating since 2010.
  • Bundled Report Suites in which individual reports have been discounted.
  • Individual Reports that can be purchased separately.

Consulting Options are listed separately here.

For institutions that have made an ongoing commitment to participating on a regular cycle in the Great Colleges program, our Online Report Gateway is an option you should consider. The web-based Gateway provides users the flexibility to run their own reports for dynamic visual renderings of survey data in multiple formats. The Gateway includes all of your current and previous survey data with ModernThink since 2010. This reporting option is particularly appealing to audiences who require more in-depth analysis than the static reports provide and the ability to download your data in a raw format. The Gateway is a proven tool that has been used by single institutions as well as large systems over the last five years outside of Great Colleges participation. Click here to learn more.

Available to first-time participants and institutions who have never ordered reports, this suite combines both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the survey as well as valuable benchmarking data to give institutions new to our program useful baseline and metrics to leverage right from the start!

Current Price: $1,485

Original Price: $1,650

Employee Comments Report – As part of ModernThink’s Higher Education Insight Survey©, employees are asked two open-ended questions. This report provides their responses exactly as written. To enhance analysis, the comments are sorted by job category.

Download a sample

Job Category Benchmark Spreadsheet – Provides overall positive/negative responses for each survey statement and overall benchmark columns for Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification. From there, you can compare the percent positive and negative data for each job category against the two columns of benchmark data.

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Response Distribution Reports – These two graphical reports show the percentages of all response options (Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) to the survey statements by job category.

Download a Staff sample

Download a Faculty sample

This Excel report suite summarizes your overall positive and negative responses for all survey statements and provides results across each demographic asked in the survey. Your spreadsheets include two columns of valuable benchmarking data from the Great Colleges program: Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification.

Current Price: $1,570

Original Price: $1,745

General Demographics Spreadsheet – Contains data by: Gender Identity, Age, Race/Ethnicity, Years at Institution, Employment Status and Remote Work.

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College/School and Division/Department SpreadsheetContains data by: College/School and Division/Department  as part of ModernThink’s Higher Education Insight Survey©, employees are asked two open-ended questions. This report provides their responses exactly as written. To enhance analysis, the comments are sorted by job category.

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Faculty Experience Spreadsheet – As part of ModernThink’s Higher Education Insight Survey©, employees are asked two open-ended questions. This report provides their responses exactly as written. To enhance analysis, the comments are sorted by job category.

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Our most popular report suite, this comprehensive set of data provides results for every question asked in our survey including the open-ended questions. It also includes Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification benchmarks.

Current Price: $3,159

Original Price: $3,510

General Demographics Spreadsheet – Contains data by: Gender Identity, Age, Race/Ethnicity, Years at Institution, Employment Status and Remote Work.

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Benefit Satisfaction Report – Learn how your employees rate your institution’s benefits programs. This graphical report documents employee satisfaction with benefits based on the 20 benefit questions asked in the survey. Responses are broken down by job category.

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College/School and Division/Department Spreadsheet – Contains data by: College/School and Division/Department.

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Employee Comments Report – As part of ModernThink’s Higher Education Insight Survey©, employees are asked two open-ended questions. This report provides their responses exactly as written. To enhance analysis, the comments are sorted by job category.

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Faculty Experience Spreadsheet – Contains data specific to faculty and adjuncts only: college/school, academic role, tenure status (four-year institutions only), gender identity and race/ethnicity.

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Profile of Survey Respondents – Use this response rate report as a quick reference guide to the percentage of respondents in each demographic such as gender identity, race/ethnicity and more.

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Response Distribution Reports – These two graphical reports show the percentages of all response options (Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) to the survey statements broken down by job category.

Download a Staff sample

Download a Faculty sample

Designed for institutions that want to dive deep into comparative data, each report in this suite offers external benchmark comparisons to your survey results.

Current Price: $3,510

Original Price: $3,900

Overall Benchmark ScoreCard – See how your workforce’s results compare to those of other institutions. This report allows you to compare a series of higher education benchmarks. The benchmarks are averages of the positive responses (Strongly Agree and Agree) among peer institutions within these designated categories (customized to your institution): Honor Roll, Carnegie Classification, Enrollment, Size, Region and Public/Private institutions.

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Benefit Satisfaction Benchmark Report – Compare your institutions results on the 20 benefits asked on the survey against the programs core benchmarks: Honor Roll, Carnegie Classification, Enrollment Size, Region and Public/Private institutions.

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Job Category Benchmark Spreadsheet – Provides overall positive/negative responses for each survey statement and overall benchmark columns for Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification. From there, you can compare the percent positive and negative data for each job category against the two columns of benchmark data.

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Recognition Category ScoreCard – This report shows how your results compare to recognized institutions in your two-year/four-year and size categories in each of the ten recognition categories.

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This suite is ideal for institutions most interested in internal and external comparisons for faculty and staff specifically. This set of reports allows you to examine your results across faculty and staff by race/ethnicity, gender identity, and other protected classes.

Current Price: $2,880

Original Price: $3,200

Employee Comments Report – As part of ModernThink’s Higher Education Insight Survey©, employees are asked two open-ended questions. This report provides their responses exactly as written. To enhance analysis, the comments are sorted by job category.

Download a sample

General Demographics Spreadsheet – Contains data by: Gender Identity, Age, Race/Ethnicity, Years at Institution, Employment Status and Remote Work.

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Job Category Benchmark Spreadsheet – Provides overall positive/negative responses for each survey statement and overall benchmark columns for Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification. From there, you can compare the percent positive and negative data for each job category against the two columns of benchmark data.

Download a sample

Response Distribution Reports – These two graphical reports shows the percentages of all response options (Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) to the survey statements broken down by job category.

Download a Staff sample

Download a Faculty sample

Aspirational Peer Benchmark ScoreCard – It’s simple, you provide ModernThink with a list of peer institutions you would like to benchmark against and have that aggregated data added as a column alongside the Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification data. This report allows you to compare your employees’ responses, statement-by-statement, to the responses of employees at designated peer institutions. Please note, we need a minimum of five (5) within our database to aggregate into a benchmark, and we only disclose names if the institutions have been publicly recognized as “Great Colleges.”

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Current Price: $877

Original Price: $975

Benefit Satisfaction Report – Learn how your employees rate your institution’s benefits programs. This graphical report documents employee satisfaction with benefits based on the 20 benefit questions asked in the survey. Responses are broken down by job category.

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Current Price: $877

Original Price: $975

Benefit Satisfaction Benchmark Report – Compare your institutions results on the 20 benefits asked on the survey against the programs core benchmarks: Honor Roll, Carnegie Classification, Enrollment Size, Region and Public/Private institutions.

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Current Price: $1,386

Original Price: $1,540

Employee Comments Report – As part of ModernThink’s Higher Education Insight Survey©, employees are asked two open-ended questions. This report provides their responses exactly as written. To enhance analysis, the comments are sorted by job category.

Download a sample

Current Price: $553

Original Price: $615

Job Category Benchmark Spreadsheet – Provides overall positive/negative responses for each survey statement and overall benchmark columns for Honor Roll and Carnegie Classification. From there, you can compare the percent positive and negative data for each job category against the two columns of benchmark data.

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Current Price: $922

Original Price: $1,025

Minority Aggregate Benchmark Report – See your percent positive and negative responses across key demographics (see General Demographics Spreadsheet above) with the addition of a benchmark aggregating percent positive and percent negative data from respondents of all minority races and ethnicities at your school compared to all schools that participated in the program in the current year: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian , Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or Two or More Races respondents.

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Current Price: $922

Original Price: $1,025

Overall Benchmark ScoreCard – See how your workforce’s results compare to those of other institutions. This report allows you to compare a series of higher education benchmarks. The benchmarks are averages of the positive responses (Strongly Agree and Agree) among peer institutions within these designated categories (customized to your institution): Honor Roll, Carnegie Classification, Enrollment, Size, Region and Public/Private institutions.

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Current Price: $922

Original Price: $1,025

Race/Ethnicity ScoreCard – Provides your institution’s results across each Race/Ethnicity along with your institutions own aggregate minority results. The report also includes comparative data for each individual minority race/ethnicity at your school compared to all schools that participated in the program in the current year: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian , Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or Two or More Races respondents.

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Current Price: $715

Original Price: $795

Recognition Category ScoreCard – This report shows how your results compare to recognized institutions in your two year/four-year and size categories in each of the ten recognition categories.

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Current Price: $720

Original Price: $800

Response Distribution Benchmark Reports (Staff and Faculty) –Similar to the standard Response Distribution reports in format, these two reports compare your overall survey results for staff and faculty to five other program benchmarks: Honor Roll, Carnegie Classification, Enrollment Size, Region and Public/Private institutions.

Download a sample (Faculty)
Download a sample (Staff)

Current Price: $1,386

Original Price: $1,540

Response Distribution Reports (Staff and Faculty) – These two graphical reports show the percentages of all response options (Strongly Agree, Agree, Sometimes Agree/Sometimes Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree) to the 60 survey statements broken down by job category.

Download a sample (Faculty)
Download a sample (Staff)

Current Price: $1,017

Original Price: $1,130

Year-to-Year ScoreCard – See your current and previous year’s positive and negative survey results side-by-side. This color-coded ScoreCard will help you identify the areas where you are moving in the right direction as well as those in which there is still room for improvement. This comparison is for Overall Results only.

Download a sample

Current Price: $553
+ $150 for each additional comparative year

Original Price: $615

Please note, all purchased report(s) will be provided to you electronically unless requested otherwise. If you would like a hard copy, please contact and
we can process the print request.